Downton Bowling Club is the most southern Bowling Club in Wiltshire in beautiful countryside, and where we started our Wiltshire long weekend on Friday 21st June.
Teas and coffees were provided for our players and visitors arriving from eleven different counties, and at 12.30 pm we were treated to a buffet in the bar. After eating too much (again) we went out to play our match in warm sunny weather…but what was this? some of our members playing for Downton! (mark their cards) We are all Friends or friends so no matter. Anyway we won and so no stewards’ enquiry.
We sat down in the big room by the bar for our after-match meal, delicious cottage pie, fruit & ice cream, followed by a generous selection of cheese and biscuits. Lovely. Neil Gillespie, Downton ‘s Captain of the day (Bowls Wiltshire Treasurer), made us very welcome. He mentioned how nice it was for Downton members to meet present and past Bowling Officials from round the country. Adie Lloyd, our Captain of the day, thanked the Downton members and the Friends for making such an enjoyable day. He presented top rink prizes to both sides, Kath’s preserves again; finally ending with a generously prized raffle.
Thank you Downton, thank you ladies for the excellent food, thank you to all the helpers. The day was special.