A selection of images from various Friends of English Bowling events..
Oakley 22: Kath presenting Spencer with a memento of the day
July 22: Bristol St Andrews
Sawbridgeworth 2022: A magnificent line-up
Cambridge Park July 21: Marcia presenting The Friends Certificate to Dawn Slaughter
Sep 22 Leamington: DBE Mixed Ability Triples
Newark Northern 22: where's my bowl? who's won the spider?
Cambridge Park
July 21: Mmmm .. Tuna Pasta Salad for dinner
June 2018 Ilminster
Sawbridgeworth 2022: Elvis, catching up with Doris
Egham 2022: celebrating 100yrs of bowling
2014: The Friends Committee
Alton Social, Sep 2019: Hazel passing over the coveted Trophy to Kay - a win for Friends!
Alexander BC Sep 2021: Clive presenting Paul Robson with the Ian Woodcock trophy - the coveted claret jug
Burnham 22: Jessie warmly welcomes the Captains of the Day
When you see a bowl of sweets at the end of each rink you know that Pat Geary is playing
May 22 Chelsea Pensioners Top Rink
June 2022: Abington
Sep 2016 Stockton BC
Egham, Sep 22 : Friends' Losing Rink.. taking it rather badly.
July 21: Jeanette Maisey & Khalila Hussain with the winners salver
Jeannie Swan who looks after Alexandra Park's beautiful flowers, with her chum Lesley
Kington 22 l-r: Doris, Bill, Mike & Ian
Egham 22: Susan and Mike Skerry enjoying the beautiful gardens
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