Tuesday May 17th – FoEB v Plymouth (Sir Francis Drake) B.C.

Ready for the game and dressed for the weather
Oh dear, the weather wasn’t looking so good, and it certainly proved not to be during the afternoon!
The warm welcome we all received was not matched by the weather. Our wets were donned and we began the game in the hope the rain would ease up but unfortunately it got worse. The greenkeeper, Sam Allen, was concerned for the green, and a buffet lunch and a warm clubhouse decided the two captains to call a halt at 10 ends.

Bar Manager Andy Pater
Members from 10 different counties represented The Friends and were delighted to be invited to play at Plymouth St Francis Drake Bowls Club as part of their celebrations for reaching 100 years at their Whiteford Road site, and the club had great plans for the following weekend… we do hope the weather improves.
With the bountiful buffet eaten prematurely and the two Captains having said their piece, we were able to return to the green and manage another 8 ends, mostly in the sunshine!! This certainly called for a drink, and we all resumed to the clubhouse full of chatter… Captain for the day for Friends, Carolyn Hunt, was finally able to present gifts to the highest winning rink for both sides, which just happened to be her and Captain Paul’s players with a 19-19 draw. Overall Friends were beaten by 22 shots – Ooops!

Paul receiving momento from Friends Cptn for the day, Carolyn
A certificate for the club was presented to Captain Paul Chudley to remember our time with them.
It might have been awful weather, but it certainly didn’t stop us all enjoying the afternoon, and the great company.
Thank you Plymouth SFD Bowls Club.
- A bountiful buffet
- Studying the head in the sunshine
- After game banter
- After game banter
- after game banter
- After game banter
- June & Roger