Tuesday 31st May: Royston Bowls Club.

Royston’s Team
The day started for everyone with a very wet journey to Royston so we had the photos taken in the clubhouse, and read the teams out indoors – as you can see Doris Wellstead (Bedfordshire) was very happy with her team!

Friends’ Team

Doris expressing delight with her team
We only played 18 ends, and the rain held off until the last couple of ends. FoEB won overall with a 115-75 score. The highest winning rink was:
Dawn Grisley (Bedfordshire)
Ann Perry (Cornwall)
Paul Robson (Hampshire)
John Thompson (Hertfordshire).
Players from eight Counties represented the FOEB, playing across 6 rinks. There was some great bowling on a superb green. Thank you Royston for your hospitality.
Jenny Ralph
Captain of the Day, FoEB