The Teams have gathered
Tuesday 9th May : Friends from various parts of the country arrived at Steeple Morden to help celebrate the Club’s 75th Anniversary. The weather forecast was not good – showers, thunderstorms – but we played the whole game in warm sunshine.
Everyone was rounded up for a team photograph, but as most people know, it’s probably easier rounding up sheep than humans!
A spider began the proceedings, with proceeds going to the club’s charity. I’m not saying it was a fiddle, but the winning bowls belonged to Jackie Bryant who won a bottle of Whisky, and Trevor Dean who won a bottle of wine – both players on team FoEB, and both playing with the same colour green Aero bowls?!
We managed to play a full game of 21 ends, but with many players not having played 21 ends for a while, there were a few weary people leaving the green.
The FoEB won overall, with only 1 losing rink (and they only lost by 4). Our highest winning rink was Dawn Gresley, Maddie McConomy, Richard Somerton and Mike Skerry. The overall score was 157 to the Friends and 74 to Steeple Morden.
As soon as we sat down for the lovely meal the heavens opened and there was a lot of smiley faces watching the rainstorm with a drink in their hand.
Thank you to Steeple Morden for a super afternoon and we wish you every success in this 75th year.
Jenny Ralph
Asst. Secretary
- A warm welcome from the two captains
- Let play commence
- Steeple Mordens’s Top Rink
- Friends’ Top Rink
- Food Glorious Food
- A memento of the Day