Lets get the game started
Friday 13th didn’t seem to be the bad omen it is reputed to be. We arrived at Pewsey in good time after an uneventful journey from home. The sign to the Recreation Ground was clearly marked and I was fortunate enough to get a parking spot near to the club entrance even though we certainly weren’t the first one there. So far, so good!
The Friends had visited the club last year to celebrate their Centenary. Apparently it rained heavily so the game was replaced by a quiz afternoon. Today was to, hopefully, play the missing match. All the signs were good. The green looked good and after a pleasant lunch the rinks were going to be announced and play would commence at 2pm.
Spoke too soon! Word reached us that 2 of our players, Paul & Lesley, had suffered a puncture and they had no idea how long they were going to be delayed. Adie, although technically “off sick” thought he could manage a few ends and by accident we had an extra player so perhaps we could get by. Another update after lunch and we heard they were on their way.

Captain Marcia, President Trish and Captain Mike
A little bit later than planned President Trish Jarrett welcomed us all onto the green and Captain Mike Mundy and I read out our rinks. Play had hardly started when our missing players rushed through the gate.
There isn’t a hedge or wall along the green at the opposite end to the clubhouse, so I found it quite unusual but pleasant to have members of the public walking along the footpath between the green and the tennis courts, either stopping to watch or continuing on their walk. The green played well and mostly everyone seemed to be enjoying their games.
After the game we enjoyed a lovely meal provided by Sue, Di, Angie & Vince. Vince was a busy man as he also ran the bar as well as being the Club Chair. In our speeches Mike and I thanked those who had helped to make it such a good day, not forgetting the Raffle run by Beryl & Tony.
I introduced the members of the Exec who had played in the match as well as Kath (Chair) & Adie (Match Secretary) and went on to say about how the Friends started. However I forgot to mention the number of Counties represented and call them out. For the record there were 12 Counties represented and they were; Beds, Berks, Bucks, Hants, Herefordshire, Herts, Lincs, Middx, Northants, Oxon, Somerset and Surrey.
- Friends’ Top Rink
- Pewsey Vale’s Top Rink
The score was FEB 139 – 71 with 4 rinks won by the Friends and 2 by our hosts.
Top rink for FEB was Richard Pearce, David Hamilton, me and our Skip Barrie Emanuel.
I called out the incorrect Top Rink for our Pewsey Vale, but fortunately had enough small bottles of wine to give to both their winning rinks when my mistake was noticed.
- Would you like a Raffle Ticket?
- Fellowship with Friends
- Thank you Ladies
- Adie check his tickets
- Friend’s Captain of the Day
The framed certificate as a memento of their Centenary had been presented after the Quiz last year so I finished with inviting the Friends to toast our hosts. Thank you, Pewsey Vale, for a lovely afternoon. I hope you all winter well and Good Luck to you all next year for your 102 year.
Marcia Dunstone
Captain of the Day