Looking forward to the game ahead
31st August 2022: The Friends of English Bowling v Bowls England Select.
The weather at Leamington was kind to us and we got underway after a short delay waiting for a match to finish on D green.
Our match on six rinks was played in the usual good spirit for this annual “needle match” and after 21 ends we ended up with a close 111 – 118 loss for the Friends.
- Top Rink for BE: Bill Smith, Margaret Morris, Brian Clark, Janet Farnsworth
- Top Rink for Friends: John Scholey, Mike Andrew, Jackie Bryant & Valerie White
The top winning rink for the friends was Rink 5 with a score of 28 -15
Lead – Jackie Bryant
No 2 – Valerie White
No 3 – Mike Andrew
Skip – John Scholey
The top winning rink for Bowls England was Rink 2 with a score of 27 – 13
Lead – Margaret Morris
No 2 – Brian Clark
No 3 – Janet Farnsworth
Skip – Bill Smith
Your captain skipped rink 3 and lost by 1 shot in a very closely fought match.
We retired to the Irish Club for a post-match meal where we were treated to a wonderful spread of food as always, and our thanks to them for their hospitality.
- it could be shot!
- At Dinner
We held a raffle during the evening, and we raised £228 towards our funds and thanks go to all those that supported us.
The winner in the end was the game of bowls and everyone seemed to enjoy the day.
Clive Handscombe
Captain of the day.