Surrey County Bowls at Ember BC – Game 31

September 18th, 2022 – A report by Cyndy Lee. 

Line-up of the ‘gangs’ before the game

Another sunny day and The Friends from nine counties made their way to Ember B.C.  We were enthusiastically greeted at the door by the President of Surrey Ladies, Linda Pullman.

Waiting, ready and willing to serve us were, Charlie and Pat behind the bar and Wendy and Valerie with the tea, coffee and biscuits.  These celebration games do not just happen and I congratulate the members of Ember who did such a wonderful job for the Surrey County girls.

Chairman Ken Homewood welcoming President of Surrey, Linda Pullman, the ladies of Surrey and the Friends


Once out on the green the Chairman Ken Homewood welcomed us all to the club and handed the green over to President Linda, who then warmly welcomed us all.


Our Captain of the Day John Thomson, congratulated Linda on being ninety years old.  He was quickly corrected by Linda who informed him it was the County not her!  I’m sure he knew, but John does like to start off with a laugh.


Looking across the rinks, the score at 13 ends looked very equal and it could have been anyone’s game.  However, things changed as the game progressed, and the Friends managed to win on all five rinks.

Paul Robson’s rink finished two ends ahead of the rest and it looked like they were going to have top rink (10 shots ahead).  But it was not to be.  John’s rink of Sue Skerry, Martin Salter and Kath Lloyd picked up 12 shots on the last two ends.

We didn’t do very well in the raffle and Surrey took most of the prizes.

We sat down to an excellent meal with second helpings for all those who wanted.  The dessert was yummy, home-made merengue with cream and loads of fresh berries.  Once again, seconds were on offer and eagerly taken up by all present.

Bobbie Martin proudly clutching her ‘Loyal Service Award’ and flowers


Then it was speech time, and once again President Linda warmly greeted us all.  There was a lovely surprise, as rarely given, a Loyal Service Award was presented to Bobbie Martin together with a gorgeous bunch of flowers.


It was John’s turn next, and he managed to keep us laughing, despite the fact that he had used up his joke repertoire the previous day.  He thanked all concerned with the arrangements for the day and then proudly presented his winning team with their prizes.



Thank you Surrey for inviting us to help celebrate 90 glorious years and once again a very big thank you to the members of Ember Bowls Club.

Cyndy Lee


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