For the second match of the visit to Cornwall, Adie had arranged for the Friends to play at Liskeard Bowling Club. We were welcomed by President Jenny to the club’s excellent facilities, with a photo of our Match Secretary Adie, who had visited for the Club’s Centenary during his year as Bowls England President, prominently displayed, and treated to delicious bacon rolls and hot dogs for lunch. After a very damp day on Monday, the weather was much better and the game was played on an excellent green in dry conditions. The Liskeard players were very welcoming and made the long journey west for some of the Friends very worthwhile, but after some complicated “constructive mathematics” the match was declared a draw!
After an excellent meal featuring ham salad and home-made fruit crumble, the winning rinks for both Liskeard and the Friends (Irene, Tony, Sue and Spencer after a countback on the number of ends won) were rewarded with a small gift as were the two rinks (Barbara, Ian, Marie and Richard for the Friends) who needed encouragement! Members from ten counties represented the Friends, and the customary certificate commemorating our visit was presented to the Liskeard Captain of the Day Val. For the second day running, no wrong bias deliveries were recorded and a very enjoyable afternoon ended with some Friends setting off for home and others preparing for the last match of the visit on Wednesday.
- The Captains’ welcome: President Jenny and Graham Annetts (FoEB)
- Friends Top Rink: Sue, Tony, Spencer and Irene
- Liskeard’s Top Rink
- Graham presenting President Jenny with the Friends’ Certificate
Thanks to everyone at Liskeard for a lovely day, much enjoyed by everyone.
Graham Annetts