Saturday 7th September 2024

Charlbury had invited Captain Lynn and her team from Witney Mills B.C. to join them for the event, and provided three of the rinks. The match turned out to be a very close contest, with Friends managing to come out on top by 109 shots to 94 shots. An excellent buffet prepared by the catering ladies and Eddie, was waiting for us all in the clubhouse, including homemade Victoria sponges and cakes. Thank you.
We thanked Chris who had looked after the bar all afternoon. President Karen made her speech and presented her gifts. It was then my turn to congratulate everyone for a wonderful afternoon. I
introduced Friends committee members who were there, Treasurer Clive and Secretary Neil, whose birthday it happened to be and Happy Birthday was sung with gusto. Time now to reward the top rinks from both sides. For Charlbury it was Dave, Ray, Dylan and Eddie L. For the Friends it was Maxeen Fletcher, Chris Brett, John Bates and Richard Somerton. I spoke a little about The Friends and that we travel far and wide and in today’s team there were members from 13 Counties. I presented President Karen with our Certificate to remember this occasion.
- Friends Top Rink : Richard, Chris, Maxine and John
- Charlbury’s Top Rink: Dave, Ray, Dylan and Eddie
- President Karen receiving Friends Certificate from Adie
- A scrumptious buffet
- Thank you, Penny
Many thanks Charlbury BC for a wonderful day and may The Friends wish you all good health and good bowling for the future.
Adie Lloyd, Match Secretary
Captain of the Day
Captain of the Day