Newark Northern – Game 23

Sunday 23rd July – Newark Northern Bowls Club, Nottinghamshire.

Newark Northern bowlers gave us all a warm welcome, as we arrived at the club from our numerous counties, and to kick things off we began with a spider (always a popular way to collect additional pennies).

The two Captains, Tricia Scholey for Friends, and Dave Guthrie for Newark Northern welcomed all on the green, and play commenced.   It was a good game all round, on an excellent green, but everyone struggled with the strong wind!  However, Friends did manage a win 67-49.

The winning rink for the Friends was J Yelland, T Scholey, D King-Taylor, M Andrew 24-9.  The winning rink for Newark was D Priestley, T Straw, B Reece and N Hallam 25-19.

An excellent buffet meal followed the game, with lots of banter, and the two Captains thanked all those who had helped in making the day successful.    Captain Tricia awarded Captain Dave with a certificate as a memento of the visit from Friends.    A day enjoyed by all.

Tricia Scholey


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