Saturday 20th July 2024 My journey from Buckingham to Keyworth BC went well, the weather looked perfect for an afternoon of bowling, and at the clubhouse we received a warm welcome from President Richard and Captain Maurice. As far as the captain of the day was concerned, all was going swimmingly, until the dreaded happens – a re-shuffle of the teams was required before play could commence. Thank goodness Adie was on hand to sort it out for me. We ended up with 2 triples and 4 rinks and what a great afternoon we all had. Friends had arrived from 10 counties, to congratulate and make memories for Keyworth BC’s 60 years milestone. Unfortunately for the club, Friends did give them a bit of a walloping, but the score was not really relevant, we all enjoyed the comradery on the green, and the fish and chip supper that was provided following the game, went down very well!
The highest winning rink for Friends was a triples team Sue Skerry, Don Butchers and Bill Vivers. The lowest losing ring for Keyworth was Margaret S, Richard P, and Richard B. All were awarded with my now customary gift of a small cacti/succulent (thereby lies another story).
- Calling theTeams
- Introductions
- President Richard receiving Friends’ Certificate
- Captains Carolyn & Maurice
A big thank you to all of the important helpers who enabled the day to go so well, including the greenkeeper Nigel, and Phil, Richard and Richard who manned the bar.
Thank you Keyworth for your hospitality. A great start to the Friends two day mini break in the Shire of Nottingham.
Carolyn Hunt
Captain of the Day